Copy. Paste. Delete. Preview. Save as draft. Insert picture. Insert video. Change font. Change color. Edit. Publish. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Blogging takes soo much time and energy! To blog everyday would be like having sex everyday...
Actually...I retract that statement.
But to blog everyday would be like making a 2 hour commute to and from work everyday.
You love your job, and the money is great, and the benefits are great...but DAMN, DAMN, DAMN...that damn commute.
Well that's how blogging is. I love love love to blog. I love talking about my personal life, and I love letting people see me for who I am. But lawdy, the road to getting there isn't easy.
But I do it for the people who love reading it. It means so much to me. :)
My biggest supporter thus far has been my dear darling friend Reneka. I wuv her.
Everyday I'm getting a call. "Update your damn blog, woman! Change your damn picture!" Criticism is tough, yes, and initially, it's hard to have someone critique what you're doing.
But I appreciate it so much. I love her for it.
I love support and comments about something I'm so passionate about.
Soooo...I decided to dedicate an entry to her.
This is no
blog entry.
...It's no anecdote about my crazy weekend.
It's simply an ode.
Ode to Owens.

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