Okay, okay. Some people are probably thinking, "This dummy got it wrong, it's the other way around." And if you're one of those people, it might be safe to consider you the dummy for assuming that you know where I'm going with this. So, for the sake of categorizing and providing a sense of familiarity, I'll refer to you all as...well, Dummies.
In talking with my aforementioned buddy Nova Giovanni, he provided me with some info that further proves the idea that it is, in fact, more so about what you know.
With that being said, I'd like to consider this post a collaborative effort.

His profound ideas + My words
= All you need to know about networking, first impressions, and making the most of the new social phenomenon that is Twitter.
A couple of weeks ago, someone made a statement regarding success in the entertainment industry."It's not about how much talent you have, it's about making those that are in a position to help you-LIKE you!"
And this couldn't be more true.
Fortunately, for our generation, we have countless amounts of resources and networking tools that allow us to work on the "likeability" aspect when trying to establish ourselves in the industry. Nevertheless, these tools serve as both a gift and a curse. While having a Twitter account puts you in the path of those who are where you are trying to get, not using it right has the potential to, for lack of a better term, screw you over.
First things first. Know what you want.
Want a love connection? Get your ask off Twitter and follow this link: http://www.eharmony.com/
Wanna reconnect with old classmates? Stop Direct Messaging me asking if I'm the girl who used to sit behind you in Mrs. Graham's class. Now excuse me while I block you, and you, too, can follow this link: http://www.classmates.com/
Want to share new ideas & break the ice with people you normally wouldn't get a chance to? Ok, Twitter is for you, and you now have permission to follow @ItsMeJMarie & @NovaGiovanni :) *shameless plug of the day*
Now that you know what you want, begin to follow people who are in your field of interest.
Stop looking at the default pics and start reading the bios, damnit! 9 times out of 10, the girl who is in her picture with her chest and ask hanging out probably has "Professional Barbie B*tch" as her one-line bio.
And I know what some of you Dummies may be thinking: "Twitter is for fun! It's just something I log into to have some laughs and catch up on the celeb gossip, not to make serious connects!"
.......And this is why I call you guys Dummies.
EVERY chance you get, you should be looking for ways to "Carpe diem". Seize the day. Or in this case, the opportunity.
For example, I'm a Print Journalism major. As I began to look for internships, jobs and other journalist folks to network with, I typed "Journalist" in the Twitter search engine. From there, I found everything from Fashion journalists to Digital journalists, and even groups banning journalism in Israel. Now I have HUNDREDS of resources to add to my "Following" list, along with the celebs, random funnies, and real-life friends.
Treat Twitter like a cheap hooker or a jump-off. USE HER FOR ALL SHE'S WORTH!
This next point is IMPERATIVE.
Remember when you went to New York and walked the strip? Remember how irritated you were when that run-down, funny smelling, annoying salesman wouldn't stop asking you to take a look at his knock-off Prada bags? He swore he had the best deals, and helplessly begged you to "f*ck with him." If you could, you would've screamed "LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE! I'M NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR SH*T!"
Well... that's how you are to celebs. If you're not established in the industry, you're simply an annoying saleman (musician, comedian, WHATEVER) pushing your knock-off material. They don't want to be smothered by your never-ending promoting, so stop filling their inboxes with your stuff. While your music or material may be great, that's NOT the way to get their attention. And it certainly isn't the way to break into the industry.
You wanna get their attention? Be funny. Be creative with your replies to their tweets. But most importantly, be LIKEABLE! Eventually, they'll notice you. And if you're lucky enough, like Nova Giovanni, some might even start retweeting you and/or following you back.
Nova didn't hit celebs up like "Yo, I'm tryna get a job being on the radio." Or "Aye, my man, can you put me in one of your Baltimore productions?" He was simply himself, and these offers came to him because of that.
So be creative, damnit! If your "Target Tweetie" asks, "What time is it?" and you reply "5:45 :) ", YOU'RE WRONG, AND HAVE MISERABLY FAILED AT LIFE.
Instead, reply, "DAYtime! Now go to the thrift store & get a watch, cheap ass..."
I can guarantee you it'll get their attention. And if you're lucky, they'll start following you. BUT STILL DON'T TURN INTO HUSTLEMAN. Wait to see how things go, and after a while of interaction, use your BEST judgement to decide when it's the best time to pitch your goals to them.
It's just like a real-life relationship. Don't come on too strong. Don't come off like you're simply using them for what they can do for you. People need people, but it's up to you to utilize your networking skills and own personal discretion during times like these.
Businessman and best-selling author Clement Stone once said, “Tell everyone what you want to do and someone will want to help you do it.”
When done the right way, this WILL work for you. Hey, it worked for Nova! But then again, he IS an god living in a world among mortals!
But seriously though, I have no doubt that following these simple rules will lead you into a world of much success.
So, for any of you Dummies who fail to take heed to new ideas and advice because you "Got them connects," remember this: Increase the "Who you know" by using "what you know", and you shall go far!!
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