Please don't tell my teachers that I escaped from their kung fu grip of reading and papers that can probably create a pretty solid novel-sized collection once the semester is over.
I needed a break. Seriously. Last week I only had time to blog once, and as much as I wanted to write, I NEEDED to get work done.
Oh, the life of an English major.
The work never stops. If it's not writing, it's reading. And if it's not reading, it's studying. And if it's not's BSA business. I must admit, though. I prefer staying busy. I love knowing that my work is getting done and I'm THAT much closer to graduating (HUGEEE HAPPY FACE).
This past Thursday was BSA's (Black Student Alliance) first Lounge Expos8!!
Lounge Expos8, or L8 as we call it, is a big talent showcase where JMU students come out to, just that. Showcase their talent.
This month's theme was "I Love the 90s", and we took THE most amazing trip down memory lane.
Back when music was real. Back when the music moved us. And not in a "stanky leg" kind of way.
Since I'm the Special Events Coordinator, this was MY show. From finding performers, to rehearsing, coordinating the music, making decorations, EVERYTHING. I did it, with the help of my awesome exec board. :)
The show was a huge success, and for the very first time, I hosted AND performed!!
( I cameo'd on the Fresh Prince theme song ^_^)
Once I had the Lounge Expos8 under my belt, I headed to Virginia Tech for the big game!!
One word.
And not in a good way.
It rained NONSTOP. And even though I had a fun time, I got completely soaking wet. There wasn't a dry spot on my body AT ALL. My hat and poncho did NOTHING for me. :(
My poor head got destroyed :(
You think the rain stopped me from cheering for those good ol Hokies?? Not at all :)
While I yelled until my voice got hoarse, my bestie danced her tushie off in the rain. I tried to take a picture, but I couldn't get close enough...
If you look verrrryyyy closely, you can see her dance team on the sidelines.
After the game.....wait. I must take a second to address how AWESOME the team played.
The Hurricanes may want to change their name. Because obviously no one taught them how to play in the rain. ;-)
31-7, babayyy.
After the game, we dried off, tried to create a miracle with our hair, and headed out to party in HokieTown. I had a blasttttt. Another trip is definitely in the works.
The road back to JMaddy was a long one, but it gave me plenty of time to reflect on the awesomeness that is Virgina Tech. :)
Well...there you have it. I escaped long enough to give you a recap on my weekend. But trust when I say this. Next post will be worth it. I'll have time to sit down and really work on it.
I'm already fed up with the neglegence. I love you guys, I swear. :)
I like to call this song the "Ladies Anthem of 2009."
Rock That Bob.
Super long weaves are soooo 2000 and LATE. As the song says, "We're in a new era, got a black president. It's time for a change, and the bob is it!"
We don't need long flowing locks, our bobs are just fine! We're wearing our short hair proudly. Edgy cuts and exposed necks. So IN.
I love my bob and I rock it proudly. You ladies should, too. :)
*Rock that bob, girls!*
{Sidenote: I wrote this post in Maroon and Orange font to acknowledge their undying love for their school Virginia Tech. Die-hard Hokie fans, I swear. Haha ;) }
I was distracted from homework for 3 hours last night watching the MTV Video Music Awards.
That's really all I can say about the show.
From on-stage circus acts to somewhat scary outfits, I think it's safe to say that this show will go down in VMA history as the mess.
But I must admit. The "hot mess-ness" of the award show last night made for great entertainment on Twitter and Facebook.
Here are some of my high (and low) lights of last night's show...
1.) One word.
Or should I say "color".
Homegirl was AMAZING! How many artists have you seen get on stage and perform a trapeze act?
I'll wait..... ^_^
The idea was sheer genious, and to see it actually performed had me floored the entire time.
You go girl :)
2.)Janet Jackson. No. MISS Janet Jackson.
That was the best MJ tribute to date. She performed her heart out for her big brother, and I think I speak for everyone when I say we all felt it. It was so powerful, and you could see her emotion towards the end of the performance. Although I wish Chris would've performed too, this tribute was outstanding nonetheless. Glad to see her back on stage :)
3.) Russel Brand.
He's the kind of host/comedian you watch with one eye closed tightly, cringing the entire time.
And I love it.
His rawness. His uncut material. His awareness of American politics. All of this combined makes him a great host, and VERY fitting for MTV.
And it doesn't hurt that I find his accent and long, messy hair ;) 4.)Waleeeeee.
Anyone who's read this blog before knows I am a devout Wale fan. I love everything about him from his music to his fashion. So to see him perform before and after every commerical break was a DEFINITE highlight for me. :)
I have another highlight, but that'll come later....
Now onto to the NOT so high-lights of the show.
1.) Kanye, Kanye, Kanye.
There's no blaming it on the alcohol this time. Your behavior was beeeeyond unacceptable. Taylor Swift works very hard on her music and worked very hard on that video, and for you to come and ruin her moment because you thought Beyonce should've won was....tasteless. Immature. A disgrace. The list goes on.
Yes, you have a temper, and yes, we all know you throw tantrums occasionally. But that is no excuse. You're talented, accomplished, and your music speaks volumes. But before all of that, you're a grown ass man. And she is a teenager. You completely ruined what was supposed to be the happiest moment in her career. Her life.
Not only have you embarrased yourself, but you've embarrassed us as a people.
Thanks for the apology blog, but no thanks.
**sigh** I could go on about this clown.
(I'm not gonna post the video....Ridiculousness)
2.) Way to kill what little bit of a career you DID have, Lil' Mama!
Who died and made this chick Queen of NY? Who gave this chick the authority to come on stage with the great Jay-Z and Alicia Keys? This was an ultimate FAIL.
When I see this picture, I can't help but laugh. I think I laughed so hard at my TwitterFam last night that I cried. Thanks to Fabolous, who created the Trending Topic #lilmamais...people were going in on her ALL night. Hilarity.
#lilmamais Jay-Z's hypeman, she just got there late.
#lilmamais the one who gave Kanye that sh*t tonight.
#lilmamais picking out her bowtie for larry king.
#lilmamais at the bar w/ Kanye talkin' bout "You know we fucked up right?"
The list goes on.
What possessed her to do such a thing? Who knows. Maybe it was her uncontrollable love for NY. Maybe she felt like had some part in MTV since she's a host on ABDC. WHATEVER the case, her career is ruined, and she'll forever be known as #lilmamais....and not Lil Mama the rapper.
In the midst of the chaos, Beyonce managed to create THE biggest highlight of the night.
Reflecting on the time she and Destiny's Child won their first VMA award, Beyonce calls Taylor Swift back onstage to "have her moment". The crowd went wild.
And so did I.
Some blog sites are saying it was a publicity stunt, for the purpose of saving face, but I don't care.
It was admirable. It gave me chills and a new love for that girl. Gon' 'head, Bey.
Best and Worst Dressed for the night.
Beyonce. Love this look, love this color. Super plunging neckline. Showing off those great legs. **Two snaps for you**
This is a really nice look for Alicia. This dress was sooo cute! And the shoes worked. It's always nice to see Miss Keys in something a little more feminine.
This suit is a nice look for Taylor Lautner. Very handsome. GQ.
I love Fefe Dobson. I'm not even gonna lie...I forgot about her for a minute. But she showed up and showed out last night in this fly rocker chick outfit. **Peep the shoes**
Two words. Regal indeed. Love this dress on Nelly. She's such a beautiful gal, and the detail on this dress really brings out her gorgeous facial features.
Katy Perry never disappoints me.
Cassie, Cassie, Cassie. I think you're a gorgeous girl. But that MIGHT JUST BE where it stops. The shaved head isn't cutting it for me anymore. It just isn't. And it might be helpful for you to figure out what you want to do with the side of your head that DOES have hair. Because a ponytail just isn't working. The shoes don't compliment the dress, and the dress is, in my opinion, not really that hot.
J.Lo. Are your arms okay?
I love this dress, but Stephanie Pratt is giving me much "Aubrey O'Day" with this ensemble and I'm not sure if I like it too much.
Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga. You're such a free-spirit. You do what you want. And you dont' care what people think. And I respect you for that. I'll leave it at that.
The VMAs are over, but I'm sure peole will be tweeting about it all month. And I don't mind. Nope. Not one bit. :)
I've been vibin' to HIP-HOP all night tonight. Real Hip-Hop. I know I spoke on him last week, but another mention is soooo necessary. I already talked about this artist being a powerful breath of fresh air. What the game's been missing for so long. You know who I'm talking about....
I'm rockin with him hard.
A Mixtape About Nothing.
Now don't be deceived by the title. Oh, it's about SOMETHING. The very things we NEED to hear right now. What we SHOULD'VE heard a long time ago. He just believes that nowadays people love to hear the music that isn't talking about anything. Trash. Soulja Boy and the likes of him.
He named it a mixtape about "nothing". So now maybe people will listen.
If this mixtape had as much hype as Drake's "So Far Gone" or Trey's "Anticipation" does now, half of the music that's out now wouldn't be out. People would feel the need to step their game up. Wale is indeed. The truth.
It's A Mixtape filled with real shit. Powerful music laced with his obsession with "Seinfield". Cute. Creative.
You can't always change people's opinions of you. They're gonna think what they want. If someone has tainted your name, sometimes you gotta let it ride. Fuck what others think and do your own thing. It's not your job to run around and make sure people don't believe what they've heard about you.
Live life with no inhibitions and lots of ambition. As long as you're happy with what you're doing, that's all that matters. Friends aren't always gonna understand. They might even have some misconceptions of you based on what they've heard. But you don't always have to "clear the air" with them, either. Sometimes it's best to say nothing.
Even if that means your truth isn't heard. You can't fight every battle.
This is no extravagant, high-fashion blog. It has nothing to do with what happened in which celebrity's life. It's no "You Heard It Here First" site where you can find new music. It's simply a memoir. I'm not speaking as your superior, nor am I your inferior. I'm simply a girl. A girl with inspirations, talent, and a lust for life. I'm simply a girl like you.