It's been a month since I've blogged. Well, almost a month. I feel terrible. School has been kicking my sweet little tushie!! Seriously...
My Shakespeare class shows me NO mercy (I actually escaped researching for a big 14 page paper to come blog) and I am counting down the days until I no longer have to carry around a 4,000 page book of every play he's ever written.
On top of that, BSA had our HUGE Ebony Exposure Week. Semi-formal ball, Flag football, Entrepreneur workshop, Soul Food dinner and comedian Lil Duval (enter big Kool-Aid smile here) made our week FABULOUS and an incredible success!
I've also been taking gym classes a few times a week... Kickboxing, Step (ugh, never again), Body Sculpt, Core Training, Zumba, Hip-Hop...I'm on the way to my summer body!!
As a preview to the madness that will be this summer, Springfest 2010 happened this weekend...and well....let the video show you how it went...
Yes people...this is my school. Oh, JMU, how I love thee. Our President sent us all emails telling us we're an embarrassment to the University :( Sorry Dr. Rose!! We'll behave for the remainder of the year! (i think...)
So yeah, let me get back to being productive and getting closer to the end of the semester! Love you all! I'll stop slacking, I promise! You can also follow me at since I've been such a slacker at blogging. I tweet nonstop! (Don't judge me!)
Below are pics of me at our Semi-Formal event "BE Regal" last Saturday. Me and Loleeta are underneath (she'll be taking over my Special Events Coordinator position for the 2010-2011 year!!).
Love my vintage blazers! Shoes via Dolce Vita. :)

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