"If you judge people, you have no time to love them." - Mother Teresa
Very bluntly put, this quote holds much truth and is probably some of the strongest words I've heard in a long time.
I told myself I wasn't going to blog for a few days because it takes so much time and is hard work, but after an intense discussion in the hair salon (yes, fellas, we ladies have our own version of "locker room" or "barbershop" talk) I was inspired to write again.
It really amazes me how people, especially "church folk", talk down on those who have made mistakes and have fallen short at some point in their lives. A lot of people turn away from the church because of these judgemental churchgoers. We're supposed to build each other up, correct?
Anywho, while at the hair salon, the older ladies were looking at pictures of Michael Jackson. One said these exact words: "It's a shame Michael Jackson didn't love himself. If he loved himself and loved God he wouldn't have gotten all them surgeries."
In my opinion, that was a very ignorant statement coming from a woman so much older than myself.
Changing your look has nothing to do with loving yourself or loving God. It's merely an attempt to fix something about yourself that you want to change. I was always told, "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, stop complaining about it because there's nothing you can do."
Michael didn't like his looks, so he changed them. Some weren't in his control, some were. But does it REALLY matter? People are always so consumed with what others are doing with their lives. Live YOUR life and shut up. What good is it talking about a dead man's looks? Can you change them? Can HE change them? NOPE. So move on.
So I made the statement: "I think Michael wouldn't have been as attractive if he didn't get those surgeries. He was very good looking to me, especially in his 'Bad' days." Wasn't he?

They attacked me so bad that I thought for a minute that I killed Michael. It's an opinion. MY opinion.
"It's really sad that you would think like that. That's the problem with you young people. You don't love yourself how God made you. That's what's sad about you kids."
So, respectfully, I responded.
"No, what's sad is that this man made history with the amount of money he donated to charities, made music that affected the world, was ridiculed by millions of people and still came out on top, and all you guys can talk about is what his face looked like. We're better than that. How would you feel if you worked hard all of your life to provide a great life for your children and break barriers and when you die all they talk about is how you were divorced 3 times and had your first child out of wedlock? Give the man a break."
I don't care if he ended up looking like this:

The man was good at what he did!
The bottom line is, we all make mistakes, we all do what WE feel is best for us. If it doesn't affect you, then let it ride.
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
And in OTHER news...
Another thing that greatly bothers me...
Chris, Chris, Chris...

HOWEVER! I think it's time we let it go, people. Chris is a kid. He comes from a home where domestic violence took place, and he's known to have anger problems. People don't just haul off and hit people; they're usually provoked in some way. Now I'm not saying Rihanna is to blame, I'm just saying...people are usually provoked. Bottom line.
So many people are sitting around bashing Chris like Rihanna is still in the hospital and going to regularly scheduled therapy appointments for being traumatized.
I saw a post on Bossip a couple of weeks ago that said: "Rihanna is Smiling Again!"
She been smiling since the day after he hit her!
That girl has been on Bossip and Mediatakeout almost everyday partying it up, hanging out with other guys, always doing something different. So whyyy are we still so hard on Breezy as if she's still doing badly?
People make mistakes. But that doesn't take away from the natural talent that he has. Taking him out of commercials, not letting him perform..all of this, IN MY OPINION, is a bit much considering how long ago this happened.
He's a child. And actually, IN MY OPINION....
Anyone who looks up to a celebrity, whether they a rapper, actor, singer, whatever, as a role model...well...is just plain dumb!
What makes you think they come from a better upbringing than you? What makes you think they are more level-headed than you? They are just a regular person like you and me. The only difference is that they can sing, act, dance, write, rap, WHATEVER, and caught their big break.
People seemed so shocked when T.I. got sent to jail.....umm....
1. Didn't Ray-Ray get locked up when they caught him with guns?
They were so shocked when Lil' Wayne got caught with marijuana....
2. Doesn't your baby daddy smoke weed everyday?
So why are we so shocked when these celebs get themselves in trouble?
Yes, they should be more careful because they have more at stake than most of us, but really...
So stop looking up to these regular people just because their latest single was your summer anthem or because they hop out the bed and turn their swag on just like you.
You WILL be on the path to destruction if you do.
Just a few words of advice for you kiddos. :)
And like I said, this is all MY opinion. I respect the opinions of you all, and I celebrate non-conventional thinking. If you don't agree with what I discussed, I respect that. If you dislike things I have said, feel free to click the "x" at the top of the page. :)