Sunday, June 20, 2010

I Need Clearance....

How do you know when you're making the right decision? How do you know when and when to not follow your heart?

....Or should you always follow your heart? When it comes to life and love, I try to have an even blend of logics and what my heart feels, but my heart always overpowers.

Am I wrong because I like it that way? I believe in giving both people and things the benefit of the doubt. I pursue something so long as my heart still desires it. That's who I am, that's who I've always been. But is this the right way to live?

I Need Clearance....

I Need Clearance........

I need a better understanding of this thing called life. When does playing by your own rules transform into playing dumb? Are there REALLY rules that one needs to adhere to when it comes to life and love?

I Need Clearance...

I want to hear from God. I NEED to hear from God. But I don't know if what I hear is really God, or my insecurities about life...

I Need Clearance....

Maybe God will send me a sign, like a burning bush, or a flood, or a plague....but that's highly unlikely, right? I've been raised in the church, and even still, I can't decipher God's voice completely. I know, it's bad to say, but I'm just being honest.

I have unanswered questions in life, and as much as I rely on following my heart, sometimes people make me feel as if I'm wrong...or could be wrong.

But what about what I want?? I'm confused......

I Need Clearance......from SOMEBODY.

Or do I?

I'm content with playing the prescriptive role in my own life....

I'll Give Myself Clearance.

Friday, June 11, 2010


I have been itching to blog. Scratchin'. Yearning! But....nothing. So much has happened in my life in the past few months, and so many emotions have run through my head, but still, NOTHING. My best posts seem to come when I'm down and out, hurting from Love.

Love lost.

Maybe even a "Like" lost.

But now, on June 11th, at 10:40pm, I'm not hurting. I'm not down or out.

I'm happy.

I'm probably the happiest I've ever been in my life. I've traded in my life of confusion, instability, and the constant seraching for void-fillers for a certain, unwavering, fulfilled life.

So, I need to get used to grabbing inspiration from the positive aspects of my life and no longer harbor all of the negative emotions and energy.

I believe that soon I'll get the inspiration to blog like I used to, because it's my heart, my love, my LIFE. But right now......

I'm mute.