Victoria, Vic, Delicate, Deli,
So it finally hit me, and I finally broke down. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but it's been really hard for me these past couple of hours, as you could see. I just can't believe it's here. I'm sooo not ready to say goodbye to my sister, best friend, FIRST JMU friend, roommate, and SOULmate. Delicate Gaines, you have meant so much to me ever since the first day I met you. You're such an amazing human being, and I can't and don't want to imagine life without you next year. I'm so proud of the woman you've become in these past 3 years, and I can't wait to see the woman you'll grow to be. My JMU experience wouldn't have been what it has without you by my side EVERY SINGLE DAY, even if it's through Skype when you're right upstairs. I can't thank God enough for placing you in my life and blessing you with such a beautiful, caring, and genuine spirit that brightens even the darkest of my days. I love you, Deli, and I'll never forget the bond we've built and the memories we've made. It's true what they say. You don't come to college to find your husband, you come to find your bridesmaids. Well, you have a guaranteed spot in my wedding! I love you BEST FRIEND! *cheeeeeez*
Bananuh. :)